We strive to present only profiles of real people who are on Stir.com for the right reasons. All profiles submitted to Stir.com go through an approval process, but we rely on users like you to improve the overall Stir.com experience for everyone. Thank you.
If you receive an inappropriate email or see a profile that seems suspicious in any way, please notify us. You can do this from any profile page or from any email received. This information goes directly to and is reviewed by our Member Integrity Team.
Some situations require more information than others. If a profile just appears "fake" to you, no additional information may be necessary and you can simply Report a Concern. In these cases, if someone receives enough complaints and/or is found, after careful review, to have posted a fraudulent profile, they will be blocked from the site. More serious issues require detailed information so that we may determine if they require a more thorough investigation. If you feel this issue is very serious, we request you give us a Detailed Report, or Contact Us.
Unsure which report to submit? To help clarify, see the examples provided below.
When to submit a Detailed Report