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How to Navigate the Dos and Don’ts of Dating Post-Divorce

Kristiyan, July 11, 2024
How to Navigate the Dos and Don'ts of Dating Post-Divorce

A divorce is one of the most stressful things you will go through, and if the breakup came as a surprise and followed a long relationship, it can leave a mark that stays for years. It’s no wonder that divorced men and women struggle to get back on the horse and start dating again, but it’s not as daunting as you might think.

Think of it as an adventure, an experience. Keep the following tips in mind to ensure that this adventure is a fun one and that the experiences are mostly positive.

Understanding the Emotional Landscape Post-Divorce

Finding true love after divorce is going to seem very difficult. Even a fling might seem out of reach. It can happen, though, and if you want it to happen, then it will!

The Psychological Impact of Divorce on Dating Readiness

When your status switches from “single” to “recently divorced”, your self-confidence may have taken a hit, but it has never been easier to find a new love interest, so brush it off, get back on the horse, and start looking again. A long, open road has just opened ahead of you, and you can choose which direction you take. The key is to remember that there are countless other people out there like you. You will find love again.

Take some time out to heal if you need it. You’ll know you’re ready when the idea of dating fills you with excitement and a little anxiety, as opposed to outright dread.

Emotional Healing: Key Steps Before Entering the Dating World

Lean on your friends and family for emotional support. Go to social events with them and spend more time around new people. The goal is not to find anyone, not yet, but to boost your confidence and make you comfortable around new people again. Once you get over those doubts and personal issues, you can start thinking about online dating and meeting potential partners.

When to Start Dating After Divorce

There is no set rule dictating when you should start dating again. If you have given yourself time to heal and feel confident, you might be ready. If you’re still going through negative emotions, it’s probably not the right time.

To ease yourself into divorced dating, stick with dating apps like Stir, which was created exclusively for single parents. You can connect with like-minded people who will understand what you’re going through and remain patient. Not ready for anything romantic? Stir also has a community of people just looking for friendships, whether it’s a divorced father who wants a buddy to watch football with or a divorced mother ready to rebuild her social life.

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Online Dating Post-Divorce

Online dating is the fastest, easiest, and most convenient way to connect. Meeting people is easy, and by sticking with trusted apps, using filters on your searches, and paying attention to dating profiles, you can make sure you only connect with compatible people. Here are a few things to consider when using dating sites and apps:

Choosing the Right Dating App for You

To find the right person, you need to use the right app. Stick with apps that cater to your needs. If you’re a single father looking for a serious relationship with a single mother, it won’t make sense to use an app known for casual hookups with unattached singles.

Stir is the best option for single parents looking for long-term relationships and friendships. We have a large community of divorced parents, as well as single mothers and fathers who were never married or went through divorce a long time ago. It’s a safe space, and there are scores of features to help you make connections, as well as plenty more dating advice (and advice on divorce specifically) in our blog.

Crafting the Perfect Dating Profile

Everything starts with your dating profile. It’s not just a showcase for your great looks and fun personality. It also gives prospective matches the information they need to converse with you and send you an eye-catching icebreaker.

  • Choose photos that show you in various parts of your life.
  • If you have kids, don’t hide the fact.
  • You can mention that you’re divorced, but don’t fill your profile with pictures of you and your ex.
  • Talk freely about your likes. It might be boring to the average person, but for someone with the same likes, it’s fascinating, and they are the people you’re trying to attract.
  • Highlight the things that are unique to you, whether it’s a fun anecdote or a passion for something obscure.

Online Dating Etiquette and Safety

Stay safe when using online dating sites. You have yourself and your kids to think about.

  • Read profiles, pay attention to messages, and look for red flags.
  • Trust your gut.
  • Only arrange first dates when you are 100% comfortable doing so.
  • Arrange to meet in a public space.
  • Tell a friend where you are going and what time you expect to return.
  • Report abusive or spammy profiles.

Whether you’re finding love after divorce at 40 or coming off a short marriage in your early 20s, the above rules will keep you safe as you look for a new relationship.

Dating in the Real World After Divorce

If you’d prefer to meet people in the real world, turn to your friends. It’s much easier to attend social events with friends, and they may already know someone in that network who would be interested in you. The fact that they know you, understand what you like/dislike, and also know the other person makes them a perfect matchmaker.

If you have a very small social circle, take up a new hobby. Get out there and see what’s available—attend classes, join book clubs, and put yourself out there.

Dealing with Rejection and Ghosting

Getting ghosted might be new to you if you’ve been in a long-term relationship, but it’s not a big deal.

Don’t take it personally. It just didn’t work out. You might just not be what they’re looking for. They might not be great with confrontation, so they take the easy route. Stay strong and healthy by dismissing these rejections, getting back on the horse, and finding your next match.

Summary: Dating After a Divorce

Meeting people after a divorce can be daunting, even if you’re just looking for friends. If you add limited time, and the demands of a child or children to the mix, it’ll feel like an impossibility. But it’s not. It can be just as fun and exciting as dating was when you were younger and single.

Key points

It's up to you. Wait for as long as you think is necessary. Consider your own needs, as well as those of your children. Don't get too caught up in what your ex might think, though. It's no longer their concern.
Some marriages fade away, at which point the divorce is just a foregone conclusion. Others occur in an explosion of emotion triggered by cheating or an argument. With the former, you've already done most of your healing while the marriage was still active. As for the latter, you're basically starting at step one. There is no specific timeframe, though. It depends on your emotional connection and the strength/length of the relationship.
You don't have to tell them if it makes you uncomfortable, and you definitely don't have to justify it to them. They may accuse you of horrible things, such as suggesting you must have been cheating because you got with someone else so quickly. They may just hurl sly comments at you. If so, just know that those insults and passive-aggressive comments are rooted in inadequacy and jealousy—you don't owe them anything.
Yes, provided it's not a rebound relationship that you dive into because you didn't have the patience or willpower to find something better.
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